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This necklace will ornate your chest with lightness and delicacy !

Elvish leaf necklace

VAT Included
  • Production

    The leaves are handmade following the Crochet de Lunéville technique, with rayonne and cotton threads. Their shapes are modular thanks to a stainless steel thread which is encrusted at the edge of the leaf

  • Maintenance

    Thoroughly put aside. If stained, carefully clean with a moist cotton bud.

  • Necklace adjustment

    Pull on each side of the bead to put it on, then pull again to adjust it. To make sure it stays in the right position, you can make a knot around the bead.

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Ligne dorée.png
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The images, patterns, photographies or ideas displayed on this website are protected by intellectual property. You can't re-use them in a sales context.
For any use of these images or ideas in a non-commercial context, please mention the Credit : Léa Coutureau

The images, patterns, photographies or ideas displayed on this website are protected by intellectual property. You can't re-use them in a sales context.
For any use of these images or ideas in a non-commercial context, please mention the Credit : Léa Coutureau


2021 Léa Coutureau

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