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Fil conducteur site.png
Vegetal hand dye
Vegetal hand dye
En-tête colour design.jpg
Ligne dorée.png
Ligne dorée.png
Ligne dorée.png
Ligne dorée.png
Quelques images doré copie.png
Cadre doré rectangle.png

               Sensitive to colour from a very young age, I became        aware of its importance throughout my art studies. So, the master's degree in colour and material design was a natural progression for me. From 2017 to 2019, I've learned to manage and manipulate colours in a more methodical way. From ceramics to vegetal dye, and through painting, it helped me to break the boundaries between the different fields of creation. The thorough appreciation of coulour allowed me to unify my knowledge and skills, to give them more meaning !

Fil conducteur copie.png
Color design dyeing
Home or.png
Eshop broderie
Point broderie
Design couleur copie.png
Curriculum vitae doré.png
Tapisserie test copie.png
Design produit doré copie.png
Design produit copie.png
Curriculum vitae
Curriculum vitae
Tapisserie d'ameublement copie.png
Actualités copie.png
Collaborations broderie
Parcours copie.png
Broderie d'art courbé copie.png
facebook-770688_960_720 copie.png
Lieu et adresse

Merci de vous être abonné !

The images, patterns, photographies or ideas displayed on this website are protected by intellectual property. You can't re-use them in a sales context.
For any use of these images or ideas in a non-commercial context, please mention the Credit : Léa Coutureau

The images, patterns, photographies or ideas displayed on this website are protected by intellectual property. You can't re-use them in a sales context.
For any use of these images or ideas in a non-commercial context, please mention the Credit : Léa Coutureau


2021 Léa Coutureau

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